News archive

fabruary 2013

Electronic land registry started to work

The project "titling land ownership in rural areas and Cadastre Development", that have been planned during 2004-2013 and cost 89.7 million dollars, will be completed on April 2013. The Accounting Chamber criticized the efficiency of the work on this project, however the experts from the World Bank in their latest report expressed the confidence that the basic objectives of the project still are reached. During the preparation for launch electronic land register a lot of work was done. For instance, about 4 million acts on the ground were published, aerial photography by more than 700 thousand plots produced, many ortophoto and cadastral index cards with a total area of 600 thousand square km., which covers almost the entire country, done. 592 management of State Agency of Land Resources of Ukraine uses electronic land registry in its work. It should be stated that 15.4 million dollars stayed undeveloped, and according to the World Bank "contracted and will be used for the intended purpose." State Agency of Land Resources of Ukraine reports that this money will be used for completion of the certification of power supply system inventory, for building secure communication channels, and also will help to put into operation the main and reserved data centers. The national inventory system (NAB) is available for everyone. Now, you can find out the coordinates of any land and its main characteristics, detect errors and correct them. For the period from 14 January to 7 February 47.5 thousand applications for new sites were lodged and 34.3 thousand of them have already got registration. The deadline for registration was reduced to 41 minutes, the cost of registering property - by 30% (63 USD.), an extract from the register - by 50% (51 USD). State Agency of Land Resources of Ukraine is ready to cooperate with the World Bank in filling NCC information about the quality of soils and their regulatory evaluation.




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