News archive

fabruary 2013

New town-planning cadastre of Kiev.

At a regular press conference, Deputy Minister of Regional Development Dmitry Isaenko speake about the new urban cadastre, which will work in an experimental mode. Only after six months of such a work, it will sublimate all the data, as far as the data are available for only two areas of the city, and will run at full strength. In Ukraine there is no analogue to the new inventory, so innovative matrix will spread to other areas. Also, the Ministry of Regional Development notes that this inventory should have a positive impact on the investment climate of the city of Kiev, as its goal is to achieve three fundamental objectives: awareness simplicity, ease of preparation and automation of analytical data communication links between subjects. City council secretary Galina Gerega states that the inventory should be considered as an information model of the city, which reflects the territory of geospatial data, environmental and geotechnical conditions, characteristics of buildings and structures, state standards and regulations, as well as urban planning and design documentation. In addition, the city council decides to establish a zoning plan of the city, which will divide into zones Podolsky, Pechersky and Shevchenko areas. The implementation plans will start after a successful zoning in the aforementioned areas. However, the main arhitector of Kiev Sergey Tselovalnik reminds that there is no money for such a far-reaching plan. Nevertheless, zoning is possible only if the master plan would be approved by Kiev, as well as detailed plans for the territory. KSCA propose to hold a referendum to approve the the master plan of the city.
By Olga Levchuk (




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